
Seller Loans

Get in touch to discuss your Trade Finance needs
You could improve your cash flow and strengthen your negotiating power with a loan that's linked to your exports.

At a glance- key product features

  • Bridges the cashflow gap until payments are received
  • Negotiate better terms for your export business
  • Can be arranged in most major currencies
  • Easy to set up and manage

How Seller Loans work

Get the financing you need upfront to buy raw materials, manufacture goods and prepare them for shipment.

Seller Loans can be arranged on a pre-shipment or post-shipment basis.

Pre-shipment loans are provided upon presentation of a Letter of Credit or a confirmed purchase order from your buyer

Post-shipment seller loans are provided upon presentation of a confirmed invoice or other export documentation such as proof of shipment

Before you can draw down funds on a Seller Loan, we’ll need to set you up with a trade facility

To find out how a Seller Loan could help your business or to arrange a trade facility, contact one of our Trade Finance specialists.

Important information

Smartforms for existing trade finance customers

Click here to find manual forms to apply for a seller loan.

Currency Rates for Trade Loans

Find out about the rates of interest you would pay (as at the stated date) excluding a margin to be agreed with the Bank.

Export Resource Centre

Whether you are new to exporting, thinking about it, or have established overseas trade relationships, we have the tools and solutions to support you. Check out our dedicated Export Resource Centre for more information and ideas to help with your export journey.

Speak to a Trade Finance specialist

For new enquiries

Existing customers

Call us on

0345 600 1522

Lines are open from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays

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