
Import and Export Smartforms

Get in touch to discuss your Trade Finance needs
Please ensure you are always using the most up to date version of the appropriate application form by downloading it directly from this page.

The fastest and most convenient way to submit your trade transaction information to us is by using HSBCnet. See below for more information on how this could help you.

To submit your trade request manually, simply fill in a form online, print a copy, then sign and return it to us at the address where your Trade or Guarantees facility is located:


Manchester (Trade)

Leicester (Trade)

HSBC UK Bank Plc, GTS Services,
5 Western Boulevard, Bede Island, Leicester, LE2 7EX.

HSBC 2nd Floor,
Landmark St Peter’s Square,
1 Oxford Street, Manchester, M1 4PB

HSBC UK Bank Plc, GTS Services,
5 Western Boulevard, Bede Island, Leicester, LE2 7EX.

Fax: 0207 260 4680

Fax: 0345 587 9641

Fax: 0345 587 0805

Please note: these smartforms are designed to be viewed in Adobe Reader software to enable full functionality. If viewed in other software they may not work as intended.

Important: To help you complete your application, we’ve updated our smartforms to highlight fields that require essential information.

We’ve also included new functionality that will generate a barcode on your form when you validate it. This barcode captures the information you’ve entered and helps us to process your request quickly and efficiently when we receive it.

Please ensure you are always using the most up to date version of the appropriate application form by downloading it directly from this page.

HSBCnet for Trade Finance transactions

Internet Trade Services on HSBCnet is the best way to tell us about your trade transaction needs and apply for our Trade Finance and Guarantees solutions. If you don’t use HSBCnet you’ll need to apply for an HSBCnet facility and request that Internet Trade Services be included in your profile. If you already use HSBCnet you’ll simply need to request the addition of the Internet Trade Services module to get you up and running.1

To progress either of the above options, please contact our Trade Client Services Team on 0800 783 1300 or you can email

Import application forms

Request for a Buyer Loan – please note we can only process applications for Buyer Loans if they’re submitted to us online using Internet Trade Services on HSBCnet (see above)

Export application forms

Request for a Guarantee or Standby Letter of Credit

If you require support when using our guarantees or Standby Letter of credit smartforms to transact (either issuing new, or amending existing instruments), then please contact our dedicated team on 03450563111 or via email at who will be happy to guide you through the process.

An HSBC trade account relationship, approved Trade Finance facilities and Trade Finance agreement may be required. For assistance, contact one of our Trade Finance specialists.

Standard Trade Terms

Speak to a Trade Finance specialist

Existing customers

Call us on

0345 600 1522

Lines are open from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays

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