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Top tips from a tech entrepreneur

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Starting a new business isn’t always easy, but for Aceleron Co-founder Carlton Cummins, success comes down to maintaining momentum and believing in the bigger picture.

A video interview with Aceleron co-founder Carlton Cummins

For Carlton Cummins, Co-founder of Aceleron, the key to startup success lies in persistence and resilience – regardless of challenges that might arise along the way.

Cummins founded the business after spotting a pain point that was set to grow exponentially: the management and disposal of large batteries. With the unstoppable rise of electric vehicles (EV), electrification in homes, and renewable energy’s demand for larger energy storage options, the challenges around the sustainability of a bigger battery’s life cycle was set to be a significant problem. Aceleron decided to develop a solution.

The business transforms the way batteries are made and managed. It offers a new approach by creating batteries that are designed to be treated as assets instead of consumables; designing a system that considers when the battery is manufactured, how it will be used, and crucially how it will be recycled.

For Cummins, evaluating feedback and absorbing the most relevant advice has also been a key part of his success; alongside building a trusted support network of family and friends to turn to for honest conversations.

Finally, Cummin emphasises the importance of choosing the right investors and financial partners. For small businesses, having a team that believes in the core offering and is committed to the business journey, is crucial to longer term growth.

“Remind yourself of what you’re trying to achieve, and why you do what you do,” says Cummins. “You will need the internal drive embedded into your mindset. Without it, it's easy to lose momentum.”