We have partnered with Allianz Trade for Businesses with a turnover typically greater than £2m. Trade Credit Insurance empowers your Business to extend B2B credit terms securely by safeguarding your trade receivables due within 12 months. Should a customer default on payment due to insolvency, refusal, or inability to meet contractual obligations, the policy could compensate for up to 90% of the loss. It also provides invaluable insights enabling you to make informed credit risk decisions for your customers and grow safely into new markets, locations or customer bases.

Trade Credit Insurance
Trade Credit Insurance
Protect your business from bad debt and unpaid invoices resulting from your customers becoming insolvent, not paying on time or political actions resulting in non-payment in export markets.
Trade Credit Insurance
Read more about how Trade Credit Insurance can support your exporting operations here

Discover strategies and solutions to help you navigate an uncharted environment

Customer Health Assessment:
Allianz Trade conducts a thorough analysis of your new and existing customers' creditworthiness and financial stability.

Calculating Credit Limits:
Each customer is assigned a credit limit, representing the maximum amount Allianz Trade will indemnify in the event of non-payment.

Seamless Trading Operations:
Continue trading with your existing customers as usual, with the assurance that risks are covered up to the designated limit.

Timely Trading Limit Updates:
Allianz Trade will inform you of any adjustments to trading limits as they may revise these based on changing conditions, whether increasing or reducing them.

Business Expansion Support:
Evaluate the creditworthiness of potential new customers to build your business. Allianz Trade promptly confirms acceptance or provides insight on why the risk may not be supported.

Streamlined Claims Process:
Notify Allianz Trade if a customer defaults on payment. They conduct an investigation and, if policy terms are met, will seek payment on your behalf.
Benefits of Trade Credit Insurance
Trade Credit Insurance serves as a catalyst for business expansion, facilitating the secure provision of credit to both new and existing clientele while delivering a host of commercial advantages:

Recoup losses incurred from defaults through your policy's coverage.

Expand your operations with confidence, whether on a domestic or international scale – you can read more about how trade credit insurance can support your exporting operations here.

Utilise the latest data to comprehensively understand the credit risks associated with your customers and set appropriate credit limits.

Safely broaden your customer base, thereby increasing revenue opportunities.

Enhanced protection of receivables instils greater confidence in lending institutions, bolstering access to financing.

Maintain a competitive edge by offering favourable credit terms, even in instances where competitors may not be able to do so.
What’s not covered? Cash upfront and pro-forma payments, Inter-company sales and sales to Government and other Public Institutions (directly linked to Government).
40% of business saw a direct, negative impact to their business from late payments.
Why Allianz Trade?
Their market-leading Trade Credit Insurance protects your cash flow, safeguarding your trade receivables and empowering seamless trading both domestically and internationally, free from the threat of bad debt.
Benefit from their comprehensive analysis of corporate solvency, conducted daily and spanning 98% of global GDP. By partnering with Allianz Trade, you not only secure invaluable coverage but also gain access to the most up-to-date credit risk data, enabling you to make informed decisions and optimize your credit management strategies.
- Global leader in trade credit insurance
- 62,000+ clients worldwide
- 83million businesses monitored in 160 countries
- AA Rating by Standard & Poor’s
- Number one insurance brand globally
Important information
HSBC UK Bank plc, 1 Centenary Square, Birmingham, B1 1HQ, United Kingdom, 9928412 acts as an introducer to Allianz Trade. Under this arrangement HSBC UK can provide no advice, make any recommendations, or provide any guidance as to the stability of any product or service that may subsequently be provided by one of the third-party insurance partners as a result of any HSBC UK introduction. If you take out an insurance contract as a result of our introduction, we will receive payment from the partner, which will be either a percentage of the premium or of any fee that you pay.
Limitations and Exclusions may apply.
Allianz Trade is the trademark used to designate a range of services provided by Euler Hermes.
Trade Credit Insurance policies are sold, administered and underwritten by Euler Hermes UK.
For more information call 0161 332 8506. Lines are open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm excluding UK Bank Holidays. Calls may be recorded and monitored.
Euler Hermes UK and Euler Hermes Ireland are branches of Euler Hermes SA (NV), trading as Allianz Trade, Avenue des Arts 56, 1000 Brussels, Belgium. Company no. 0403.248.596 RPM Brussels. Insurance firm, registered under code 418.
Euler Hermes UK is a branch registered in England and Wales with no. BR015404, registered branch address 1 Canada Square, London E14 5DX. Authorised and regulated by the National Bank of Belgium and the Belgian Financial Services and Markets Authority. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority. Subject to regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority and limited regulation by the Prudential Regulation Authority. Details about the extent of our regulation by the Prudential Regulation Authority are available from us on request.
Euler Hermes Ireland is a branch registered in Ireland with no. 906694, registered branch address Allianz House, Elmpark, Merrion Road, Dublin 4. Euler Hermes SA (NV), trading as Allianz Trade and Euler Hermes Ireland, is authorised by the National Bank of Belgium and the Belgian Financial Services and Markets Authority in Belgium and is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland for conduct of business rules.