Cash flow

Recovery Loan Scheme Invoice Finance Facility

The RLS Invoice Finance Scheme is now closed to new applications.
The Recovery Loan Scheme (RLS) Invoice Finance Facility is a Government backed initiative designed to enable our clients’ businesses to survive, recover and grow.

The Recovery Loan Scheme is now closed to new applications.

To benefit from the scheme, you must have made a successful application and have also received a Facility Offer Letter from HSBC UK Bank plc on or before 30th June 2024.

At a glance

  • Available for clients of HSBC Invoice Finance (UK) Ltd with a viable funding proposal and looking for financial support through the short-medium term.
  • Available to support invoice finance funding needs of between £30,000 and £2,000,000.*
  • Backed by a Government guarantee provided to us, covering 70 per cent of the RLS Invoice Finance Facility funding made available to clients.
  • No fees payable by you for the Government guarantee and no arrangement fee, or repayment fee should you wish to repay the facility early.

Key benefits

Enhanced levels of invoice finance funding, with prepayment of up to 100% of invoice values notified to us.

When you draw funding from an RLS Invoice Finance Facility, the discounting charges you pay take account of the effect of the Government guarantee.

Facility may be used where we would not have been prepared to offer an Invoice Finance facility for the same amount on similar terms, or we would only have been able to offer it at a higher price.

The new iteration of the RLS Invoice Finance Facility runs for a fixed term of 36 months. After 26 months we’ll review the facility with you and agree how this will change over the remainder of its term.

Funding to support your business to survive, recover and grow.

Businesses that have received support under the previous Government COVID19 guaranteed loan schemes are still eligible to access finance under this scheme, subject to eligibility and limitations.

Recovery Loan Scheme Invoice Finance Facility factsheet

Before you apply, please speak to your existing HSBC UK Invoice Finance Client Director / Client Manager or your HSBC UK Relationship Manager

Call us on 0800 731 8939 (Lines are open 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday (except public holidays). To help us continually improve our service and in the interests of security we may monitor and/or record your communications with us.

The Recovery Loan Scheme is managed by the British Business Bank on behalf of, and with the financial backing of, the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. British Business Bank PLC is a development bank wholly owned by HM Government. It is not authorised or regulated by the PRA or the FCA.

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