You can nominate up to five email addresses within your company to receive a copy of your export or import letters of credit and guarantees, subsequent amendments and other trade related advices.
Get in touch to discuss your Trade Finance needs
Enjoy the convenience of email updates at each stage of your trade transaction, available at no additional cost when you have a trade finance facility with us.
At a glance
- Greater visibility and control
- Manage your transactions more effectively
- Real time status updates
Key benefits
Receive timely transaction updates by email at no additional cost.
Expedite the release of documents and save on potential demurrage costs on your imports.
Receive and forward guarantee copies to your key trading partners quickly to help your business.
Add our Trade Transaction Tracker mobile app and have a global view of your guarantees, letters of credit, collections and payments across markets and countries worldwide in one single app.
How Instant@dvice works
To find out more about Instant@dvice and Trade Transaction Tracker mobile app, contact one of our Trade Finance specialists.
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