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Financial Wellbeing

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It’s widely acknowledged that the number of employees who are potentially worried about their finances is increasing. Financial concerns can significantly impact on people’s overall wellbeing, including their engagement and productivity in the workplace.

Financial Wellbeing Programme for businesses

We believe it’s important that people have access to tools, insights and knowledge, to help reach their financial goals and build a strong foundation for the future. Have you ever considered the impact that financial wellbeing may have on your employees? 28.4 million people were more anxious or stressed due to the rising cost of living (Source - FCA Financial Lives Survey 2022)

HSBC UK have delivered and supported financial wellbeing programmes across the UK. We want your employees to feel secure, confident and empowered to make the right decisions when it comes to their money.

We will work with you to develop and improve financial capabilities of your employees. Our programme includes a broad range of webinars, covering topics from budgeting all the way through to retirement. The other elements of our programme include the following;

  • Financial Health Check; A personalised 30-minute conversation, to explore all aspects of your finances and to ask any questions you may have.
  • Financial Fitness Score; Complete our online tool and get tips to help improve your financial health.
  • Financial Fitness Hub; Access to articles and tools to assist you further with understanding finances.

Our programme is available to businesses, no matter who you bank with, and is a complimentary service. Delivery of our webinars is via ‘Zoom’ and Financial Health Checks are conducted via the telephone.

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