
Employers' Liability Insurance

You need strategies and solutions to help you navigate an uncharted environment
Does your business employ staff? If so, in most cases you’ll need employers’ liability insurance. We’ve partnered with Marsh Commercial to help keep your business protected.

Employers’ Liability Insurance at a glance

What does Employers' liability cover?

Employers’ Liability Insurance will help you pay compensation if an employee is injured or becomes ill because of the work they do for you. It can also cover legal and defence costs resulting from a claim.

Health and Safety inspections

If you are unable to provide your certificate of insurance along with other insurance details at inspection, you may be fined.

When do you need cover?

You require employers’ liability cover from the day your business starts employing staff. From the moment you have any person to whom you are responsible, whether paid or not, you are at risk of legal action. To qualify as "staff" a person does not have to be paid or under contract to you. It includes any person to whom you have a legal duty of care. This means that sometimes even sole traders will need employers’ liability insurance.

Minimum cover

You are legally required to have cover for compensation of at least £5 million, but most policies will offer cover for £10 million. The cost of your premium is usually based on a number of factors including: the nature of your business; the number of people you employ (and/or the payroll cost); your previous insurance claims. In the case of larger organisations or where a number of employees are in one location, increased limits are recommended.

Access to a broad range of insurers

Marsh Commercial will recommend a product based on your needs, and highlight any significant policy exclusions or limitations.

Why choose Employers’ Liability Insurance?

Simply because it’s your legal responsibility. While there are some exemptions (where you only employ close family members), businesses employing one person or more must be covered to stay compliant. This protects you, your employees and your business if a staff member gets ill or injured while working.

What else is included?

Whether arranged as part of a commercial combined insurance solution or in isolation, Marsh Commercial has experience in arranging this cover for companies across most industries and of different sizes.

Marsh Commercial can advise you on the level of cover you may need within the appropriate insurance package for you.

Contact Marsh Commercial to see how they can help you and your business.

Important information

For more information call Marsh Commercial on 0330 912 1479. Lines are open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. Limitations, exclusions, terms and conditions apply.

HSBC UK Bank plc is an Introducer to Marsh Ltd and Marsh Commercial is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference No. 307511). Copyright © 2024 Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London EC3R 5BU. All rights reserved.

HSBC UK Bank plc, 1 Centenary Square, Birmingham, B1 1HQ, United Kingdom, 9928412 acts as an introducer to Marsh Commercial.

Under this arrangement HSBC UK can provide no advice, make any recommendations, or provide any guidance as to the stability of any product or service that may subsequently be provided by one of the third-party insurance partners as a result of any HSBC UK introduction. If you take out an insurance contract as a result of our introduction, we will receive payment from the partner, which will be either a percentage of the premium or of any fee that you pay.

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