Cash Flow

International Business Overdraft

Apply for an International Business Overdraft
If you want cash flow flexibility when transacting in international markets, our International Business Overdraft could be just the answer.

At a glance

Minimum overdraft limit of £25,001 – maximum dependent upon requirements and subject to status

Pay interest only on the amount you use - calculated on a daily basis

Available to HSBC International Business Account customers.

An arrangement fee applies when we agree to an arranged overdraft request

Security may be required – each case is considered on its individual merits. If security is required, an administration fee will be payable

Overdraft facilities are repayable on demand - at any time, the Bank has the right to request repayment of the overdraft, reduce the overdraft limit and/or close the overdraft facility.

Key benefits

Provides flexible access to more cash flow

Could give your business more room to manoeuvre

Could be ideal for one-off purchases you know you can repay quickly

Available in US Dollar and Euro for Business Banking customers

You can reduce and/or cancel your arranged overdraft at any time. See Important Information section below

Available in up to 24 currencies for larger customers¹

Important information

To reduce or cancel your arranged overdraft, speak with your Relationship Manager. You can’t request that the arranged overdraft limit is reduced lower than the current debit balance or that the limit be cancelled if the accounts in a debit position.

Fees and interest rates

Interest is charged on the full debit balance of your account/s. Interest is calculated on a daily basis and is charged on your agreed charging dates. You’ll be notified of the interest amount payable before it’s charged to your account.

Where you have more than one account linked to your overdraft limit, your debit balance is the net balance across the linked accounts. We’ll deduct the total cleared credit balances from the total debit balances across the linked accounts. If the net balance is in credit, the net debit balance will be treated as zero. This won't impact the interest payable on any account in a debit position, as interest isn’t calculated on a net basis unless we have specifically agreed this arrangement with you. If the balance on a current account linked to your overdraft isn’t in sterling, we’ll use the HSBC Exchange Rate Mid-Point to calculate the net balance into sterling. This is the mid-point between the relevant ‘buying’ rate and ‘selling’ rate of the HSBC Exchange Rate. You can ask us at any time what this is.

Currency interest rates

View the current Reference Rates and Currency Base Rates

Business Banking price list

Read a copy of our current price list

Appeals for borrowing

If your lending application is declined, find out how you can appeal the decision

£15 billion lending fund

If you're ready to take your business to the next level, come and talk to us about our £15 billion lending fund for small businesses.

Arranged overdraft requests

An arranged overdraft request is when you approach us in advance to set up an overdraft for a period of up to 12 months. Interest rates are individually agreed with you and are linked to a Reference Rate or HSBC’s Currency Base Rate*. Click here for further details.

The debit interest rate margin you pay will be re-assessed each time we review your overdraft facility and may change at this time. If it does we will give you notice of this.

An arrangement fee applies when we agree an arranged overdraft. The facility is normally reviewed annually and a renewal fee taken if it is renewed.

For details of our fees and charges, please see our Business Banking Price List

Unarranged overdraft requests

An unarranged overdraft request is where you do not contact us in advance and you make payments from your account which, if processed by us, would cause it to go overdrawn or go over an existing arranged overdraft limit. Unarranged overdrafts are available at the Bank’s discretion.

For unarranged overdrafts where you have an existing arranged limit and go over this limit, we charge interest at the rate we have agreed with you on balances up to your facility limit and will charge our Currency Standard Debit Interest Rate2 on any balance over your formally arranged limit, unless otherwise agreed with you.

Where you have no existing formally arranged overdraft limit, we will charge our Currency Standard Debit Interest Rate on all debit balances. Click here to see our interest rates

If you anticipate you may want to make frequent informal overdraft requests, it will be cheaper for you to apply in advance for a formal overdraft.

Apply for an International Business Overdraft

Do you have a HSBC Business Account?

Speak with your Relationship Manager or your usual HSBC contact. Alternatively, call us on 03457 60 60 60

We’re open Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm and Saturday, 8am to 2pm (subject to change over certain periods).

Are you new to HSBC?

Please call us on 03457 60 60 60

We’re open Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm and Saturday, 8am to 2pm (subject to change over certain periods).

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