
Buyer Loans

Get in touch to discuss your Trade Finance needs
If you're importing goods, our Buyer Loans could help you improve cash flow, negotiate better terms with suppliers and pay them more promptly.

At a glance – key product features

  • Bridges the cashflow gap between making payment to your suppliers and receiving payment from your buyers
  • Can be arranged in most major currencies
  • Can be used with Letters of Credit, Import Collections or standalone open account transactions
  • Provides funding based on your trade cycle
  • Set up and managed online

Key benefits

Maximise your working capital

Pay your suppliers more promptly to negotiate better terms

Can form part of a wider end-to-end financing solution

How Buyer Loans work

HSBC provides you with short-term, trade-related working capital for your international purchases on a pre-shipment or post-shipment basis.

We pay your suppliers directly based on the invoice and transport documents.

Buyer Loans can be provided on a stand-alone basis for open account transactions, or coupled with Letters of Credit or Import Collections where you have a post-shipment funding gap.

Loan repayment terms are tailored to your trade cycle.

Before you can apply for a Buyer Loan, we’ll need to set up HSBCnet1 and an HSBC trade facility for you.

To find out how a Buyer Loan could help your business or to arrange a trade facility, contact one of our Trade Finance specialists.

HSBC TradePay

If you’re paying your suppliers by open account, HSBC TradePay lets you quickly and easily drawdown your loan and pay your suppliers, through a single seamless process. Available in selected sites. Subject to credit approval, T&Cs and fees. Find out more.

Important information

Currency Rates for Trade Loans

Find out about the rates of interest you would pay (as at the stated date) excluding a margin to be agreed with the Bank.

Speak to a Trade Finance specialist

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0345 600 1522

Lines are open from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays

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