Growing Your Business

Flexible Business Loan

Apply for a Flexible Business Loan
If you're a limited company, sole trader or partnership business, the Flexible Business Loan can provide funding for a range of business needs including working capital, asset purchase or business expansion plans.

At a glance

Loan amounts available from £25,001. Maximum loan amount is subject to status. Flexible Business Loans are available to new and existing customers to support a total lending need above £100k (excluding any HSBC Government Loans Schemes (GLS)), or where the overall loan term exceeds 10 years

Select a variable¹ or fixed² rate with monthly or quarterly repayments

For variable rate linked facilities, the maximum limit is £25m. For fixed rate loans, the maximum limit is £10m.

Choose to pay interest monthly or quarterly, over a repayment period of between 12 months and 20 years.

Capital repayment holidays up to 24 months are available during the life of the loan³, subject to status

No requirement to open or maintain an HSBC Business Current Account unless a debenture or fixed charge over book and other debts is required

Go Greener SME Reward

You can apply for cash back from the Go Greener SME Reward, if the loan supports an eligible purpose

Variable rates can track the Bank of England Base Rate⁴, a near Risk Free Rate (RFR) such as SONIA, SOFR, TONAR or SARON⁵

Our £15bn lending fund could be the cash boost to help you realise your ambitions.

Interest rates

Interest rates are charged as a margin over a currency reference rate for example Bank of England Base Rate, near Risk Free Rates (RFRs) such as Sterling Overnight Index Average (SONIA), Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR) or the cost of funds for fixed interest rate loans.

* Non-sterling currencies, Risk Free Rate (RFR) linked facilities, such as SONIA, SOFR, TONAR or SARON are subject to eligibility criteria and only available to businesses with turnover of £25m or above. Contact your relationship manager for further information.

Important information

  • Arrangement fees may be payable, these are individually negotiated on a case-by-case basis. Other fees may be payable.
  • In some cases, security will be required to arrange a Flexible Business Loan. If security is required, an administration fee will be payable
  • If the loan is repaid early, a prepayment fee may be payable and if you repay the loan within a fixed rate period, you may also have to pay an early repayment charge
  • Missed repayments can affect your credit rating

Business banking price list (PDF, 272KB)

Read a copy of our current price list

Guide to business borrowing

Get help choosing the right type of loan and preparing a strong application

Appeals for borrowing

If your lending application is declined, find out how you can appeal the decision

£15 Billion Lending fund

If you’re ready to take your business to the next level, come and talk to us about our £15 billion lending fund for small businesses.

Apply for a Flexible Business Loan

Please speak to your Relationship Manager.

Or call us on 03457 60 60 60

We’re open Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm and Saturday, 8am to 2pm (subject to change over certain periods).

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