Back to Working capitalAn HSBC guarantee could enable you to negotiate favourable terms with buyers and suppliers by protecting them from non-performance under a contract while addressing your financing needs. HSBC offers tailored solutions including performance, advance payment, tender, warranty, financial guarantees and standby letters of credit as well as others upon request.
Our guarantees solutions
Financial guarantees
Use our lease, customs and other financial guarantees as a substitute for cash deposits with your counterparties, freeing your working capital and potentially securing favourable contract terms.
Standby letters of credit
In markets where your suppliers and buyers are less comfortable with guarantees, HSBC can support your business via both financial and non-financial standby letters of credit.
Watch our HSBC Trade Academy Guarantees webinar to find out how you and your organisation can use HSBC’s Guarantees effectively and efficiently to help open up new opportunities in the global marketplace.