Whether you want to make a sterling payment by BACS, bank transfer or cheque, you'll find the relevant bank and contact information you need here.

Making sterling payments
Back to HSBC Invoice Finance Customer ServicesPay by BACS or bank transfer
Please make sterling payments by BACS or bank transfer to the following account:
Bank: HSBC Bank plc
Sort Code: 40-47-25
Account no: 41015346
Reference: your customer reference number (detailed on our letters and statements)
Beneficiary: name of your supplier
IBAN: GB35HBUK40472541015346
Once you've made your payment, please email details of the payment to ra@hsbc.com or fax to 01903 825574
Paying by Card
Cardholders can pay via our secure payment system over the phone by calling 01903 825825. Please have your client and customer number to hand before you call. You'll find these on any of the letters and statements we've sent you. All major debit and credit cards are accepted apart from American Express. Lines are open Monday to Friday, 9.00am to 5.00pm, excluding public holidays.
Paying by cheque
Please send cheques and remittance advices to:
Cannon House,
Chatsworth Road,
West Sussex,
BN11 1NA,
United Kingdom
Please send a separate payment for each supplier and ensure that the invoices that are being paid are clearly indicated on your remittance advice, which should also state your customer reference number.
Please email us details of the payment you have made to ra@hsbc.com
Find out more about HSBC Invoice Finance Customer Services